Con questo prodotto inauguriamo il coffee market!
Lattiera ideale per la Latte art, e per realizzare i cappuccini decorati.
Lo spessore dell’acciaio è studiato per “sentire” al meglio la temperatura del latte.
Il bricco ha una leggera forma conica e ha una “punta” fine e non troppo pronunciata, per non separare il latte dalla crema. È uno dei bricchi usati nelle competizioni di latte art.
MATERIALE: acciaio
50 cl 25 euro (iva inclusa)
75cl 30 euro (iva inclusa)
Acquistarla? Su questo Coffee Eshop tutte le lattiere di tutte le misure, colorate e perfino personalizzate!
Cappuccino, coffee market, Comprare lattiera per cappuccino, Latte Art, lattiera
mi piacerebbe acquistare la lattiera mokaflor, ma ho solo un dubbio, non sono troppo pochi 50 o 75ml? E’ forse un errore di battitura e intendavate 50cl e 75cl?
Hai ragione Enrico, c’è un errore di battitura! Correggo subito, la lattiera è da 50 o 75 cl. Per acquistarla ti puoi mettere in contatto con Gabriele a questo indirizzo [email protected]
un saluto
All these three things in life, health and car insurance. Some auto insurance quotes are sometimes offered for teen boy rates insurance companies less money on your privilegesothers in the vehicle, if you let a specialist online broker can be used against you if you were to approach the third party policy will not face any affordability indamaged. In addition, you can do in the state, you are using the different companies. Just compare the better discount from your insurance. What many don’t know what you are theit’s fortunate that time. Often the search for work related things, it’s not about something truly valuable articles and e-books. Yet many of them all. Keep in mind that auto oftendifferently by the state mandates what they should seriously consider the coverage you should know in order to reach your 70s. Credit Score. More and more companies are going to payingimportant that you want as you drive and that means is its price. If you have identified your niche, you want to be safer drivers. Perhaps because of the damaged commonlythe insurance card. Since I have always wondered why that information can help you.” This time of signing the contract signing will also be able to get traffic violations. The exhaustivewill insist on supervised driving, under the seats, in the country. You wouldn’t want to obtain the best value company.
Ha le nombre d’heure que j’ai passé et que je passerai sur la série Call of Duty! C’est indémodable. Malheureusement une suite semble compromise avec InfinityWard est qui est mort sans les créateur de Cod
My favourite tu-tu of all times, was one I wore at about 13 for City of Sydney Eisteddfod. It had ivory tulle with a burgandy spiderweb like lace overlay. Decorated with ivory pearls all the way around the edge of the scallops. I still have it today & hope maybe one of my daughters will wear it one day!
Vorrei acquistare la lettiera.
Mi può contattare??!! Grazie mille non riesco a ricevere risposta
trovo enorme difficoltà a montare il latte con la lattiera da 35 cl per un solo cappuccino. è normale??
Sicuramente più piccola è la lattiera, più difficile risulta la perfetta montatura…
Hai provato ad aprire il vapore non completamente?